The photo below is taken of the double doors that lead into our dining area. I had already done the 'cutting in' (or edges) when I realised I hadn't taken a 'before' photo. You can see through to the kitchen area from here which is on the right side of the dining area. The walls in there really are hideous- a deep wine red that makes the kitchen look very small. I've now undercoated those walls too- well primed them because if I just jumped straight in and painted them with top coat then the under colour would show through in areas. Anyway, that is another post altogether!

Originally we painted most of the lounge with the same chalky white paint that we used in the entrance hall. The fire breast is painted in a beautiful Dulux colour called 'potters clay'. It's a warm grey shade. I love it! In this photo you can see I was cutting in on either side of the chimney breast with a bright but smooth raspberry/watermelon shade called 'summer pudding'- this colour is from the Crown paints Indulgence range. These are a small range of paints that are so creamy and claim to glide onto the walls. Even though we actually decided against going ahead with this colour, from what I did manage to use, it was a gorgeous texture. However the colour just wasn't what we had in mind. We both love the thought of grey and pink, but when the raspberry was applied to the walls, even in the tiny amount we used, we could see it wasn't going to achieve the feel we wanted. So out with that paint and in guessed it, Brilliant White!
This looks really crisp and clean next to the newly painted mantle piece!

1- a couple of single arm chairs (I'm thinking tub chairs by the fire)
2- a large floor rug
3- new blinds and curtains
4- photos and artworks
I also need to
1-rearrange our furniture, possibly bring in a couple of other pieces
2- take out our ottoman and replace with a coffee table
3- wall mount our television next to the chimney breast.
And many many more jobs on my to do list!
Hope you think it looks a little cleaner and more chic?
Did I mention we've also stripped Baby Home Love's room out and have undercoated and primed the walls. It looks as though we are going to need at least 3 coats of paint in his room as the existing wall colour was quite deep. As we speak Mr Home Love is attempting some DIY in there...oh boy, that really is another post!
Moving onto the dining area, again it was the same existing wall colour. The owner had left this extra large radiator cover here so I painted the wood panels white so it didn't stand out as much. Here you can see I had just started to paint the panels when I remembered I needed to take a 'before' photo.
These photos were taken a week or so after we had moved in when none of our belongings had a home...half of them still don't!!
Even our fridge is homeless until we get our kitchen revamped! Until then it looks like it will stay at the end of our dining area.

I've managed to re-house my treadmill into the garage extension- hopefully this is I hope I find the motivation to start using it again?????
Two very simple 'after' photos of the same area. Lucky I already had in my mind that one of my many large mirrors would go up onto this wall at the end of the table. It covers the power point perfectly, which both myself and Mr Home Love decided could be a good idea to keep, just in case. All the holes have been filled in and painted over so the only evidence of the plasma that remains is the hidden power point!
Even painting the skirting boards white really just finish off the room and make the already high ceilings appear even taller. Happy days.
I've managed to re-house my treadmill into the garage extension- hopefully this is I hope I find the motivation to start using it again?????
What do you think...better?
Jane xx
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